Monday, April 18, 2022

Sherwood Cottage, Founds Mills

I was out by Founds Mills this morning and took this photo of the old "Sherwood Cottage." It was owned by Peter MacNutt of Darnley, Lot 18. More than 30 years ago contractor Phillip Gallant moved it to Founds Mills and restored it. He saved it!
Below is the image of "Sherwood Cottage" from Page 145 of Meachams 1880 Atlas of PEI. It notes Mr. MacNutt being a Merchant and Farmer who settled on this property in 1834 with over 250 acres. The house was located on the north side Route 6 west of the old Darnley School.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

E.B. Love Tenement, St. Peter's Rd., Charlottetown

I took this photo today of the E.B. Love Tenement House at 37-39 St. Peters Road. The building was built in 1886 and is directly across the street from Murphy's Parkdale Pharmacy. Love and Son commissioned local architects Phillips and Chappell to design this double tenement. The Love family operated a tannery on the corner of Queen and Kent Streets. There was an earlier house on this property called St. Avard, owned by James C. Pope.
For more information refer to the Historic Places website...

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Route-12, Ellerslie, Porthill, Birch Hill, Grand River

On Sunday we took a drive along Route-12 and took photos of historic churches. The first is St. John's Anglican Church, consecrated on July 1, 1900. The incredible detailing on this church was done by "Little" Harry Williams.
Then we went by the Old St. James Anglican Church, consecrated in 1843. In 1885 a "New" St. James Anglican church was built across the road where the in 1885. Beside the new St. James church is the Rectory - this style of house is known in western PEI as a "Fox House."
As we carried on Route-12 we came to Birch Hill where there's another set of churches across the road from each other. On the left is the 1858 Lot 14 Presbyterian Church and on the right is the 1925 Lot 14 United Church. We were surprised to see the old Presbyterian church still there, as it was suppose to have been demolished last February 2021.
The last stop on our Route-12 church tour was at Immaculate Conception St. Patrick's Parish Church, Grand River. This church was built in 1839. In 1890 well known Island Architect William Harris was hired to architecturally enhanced and embellish the church.