Tuesday, January 17, 2012

West Street Revisited by Ruth Heartz MacKenzie

     I was to the another lecture last evening by the Architectural Institute and Conservation at Beaconsfield Carriage House in Charlottetown.
     The speaker was Ian Scott and the topic Spotlight on Streetscapes of Charlottetown.   Mr. Scott had an excellent presentation with many wonderful of images.
     One of the houses he talked about was Edgewater on West Street, home of Governor Heartz.  His daughter, Ruth Heartz MacKenzie, wrote a booklet about West Street and included photos of their wonderful house.  When I got home last evening I went looking for that booklet and sure enough I had a photocopy of it - here are a few pages that illustrate the grand house Edgewater which burned in February 1931.


  1. Do you have sharper images of the pages you posted? I would be interested in reading the text.

    1. Hi there, the pictures look fuzzy but you have to click on them. Then it will become clear.
